Renewed Carbon and the Cobar Biohub
Main people

Mark Glover
Managing Director
Mr Glover is a high level consultant in the renewables and recycling industries. He is the instigator and driver of the Cobar BioHub.
- 1976-1988 – Proprietor of various major sub-contracting companies (Sydney, ACT and Melbourne) in the commercial construction sector (dimension stone, joinery, fit-outs and suspended ceilings)
- 1989-Current – Eco Waste Pty Ltd – a specialist sustainable resource use and waste consultancy and strategic advisory. Clients include State and Federal Governments, local councils and industry groups and associations
- 1993 – ACT Government – Strategy and policy development
- 1994 – Malaysia – Genting Bhd – nationalisation of waste sector
- 1991-1995 – Australian Grocery Manufacturing of Australia – Development of national post consumer packaging strategy and policy for the major brands
- 1996 – Brunei/Shell – national waste infrastructure plan
- 1997-2001 – COO for State agency to design and develop State waste and resource recovery strategy and policy
- 1994-2004 – Southern Oil Refineries – Initiate, EPC and commission to steady state as CEO on vanguard project to reclaim used lubricants
- 2001-Current – “Renewed” group of companies – including Renewed Carbon – (JV with Babcock & Brown until 2009 – then sole ownership)
- 2006-2008 – Partner with Laing O’Rourke t/a LOREX Pty Ltd to B.O.O. used oil re-refining projects globally for BP/Castrol (until “Deep Horizon” episode killed the projects but not the relationships).
- 2012-Current – Founding shareholder/director in Australian Industrial Ecology Network (AIEN) (
- 2016-Current – Exec/Chair of DTR Hubs Australia Pty Ltd – owner and developer of the “R Hub” concept

Tony Paranthoiene
Director Finance, planning
Mr Paranthoiene has an impressive record of business innovation and development.
- Director of Operations, responsible for the development of the largest Computer Services Company in the Southern Hemisphere, for Mayne Nickless.
- Managing Director of Hartley Computers Pty Ltd – specializing in the manufacture of computer hardware and application software for the Chartered Accounting industry.
- Founding Director and subsequent Executive Chairman of Miniskips Limited.
- Founding Director of Miniskips (NZ) Ltd and of Miniskips (UK) PLC.
- General Manager of Campbell’s Hardware and Timber (now Bunning’s Queensland) for McEwan’s Limited. Campbell’s had 35 stores throughout Queensland and they were successfully turned around from loss to profit to establish the base of Bunning’s current business.
- Established and managed his own Consulting Business specializing in “pre-insolvency”, corporate re-structuring, corporate governance, development and marketing.
- Regional Marketing Director for National Computer Systems Inc (Minneapolis), for the South-East Asian Region for 9 years. Negotiated major Government Contracts for the installation of education systems in India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia during this time.
- General Manager of Regent Taxis (Gold Coast. Recovered the business from a loss position.
- Founding Director of Lorex Investments Pty Ltd. Negotiated $150M funding package for the construction and commissioning of a lube oil recycling refinery.
- Negotiated Supply Contracts between Indonesian Coal Suppliers and Chinese Buyers
- Community Activities have included Vice-President of Surfers Paradise Chamber of Commerce, Vice President Gold Coast Licensed Venue Association. Has been actively involved in Youth Sporting activities including:
- Volunteer at Gold Coast Eisteddfod

Peter van Herk
Field Operations (Cobar)
Mr van Herk has a long history in project development and design and feasibility..
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Natural Resources (U.N.E) Science based natural resource management degree.
- Associate Diploma of Park Management (R.M.A.E)
- Craft Certificate : Cabinetmaking (No. 38841)
- Environmental Scientist Sinclair Knight and Partners
- Ranger NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Narrabri District and Ranger for Barrington Tops National Park.
- Self taught furniture maker specialising in the Australian hardwoods. Research in to the development of jointing techniques and design methodology specific to Australian hardwoods in furniture, sponsored by the NSW timber industry
- 2 industry innovative design awards, NSW small business award for enterprise, Export marketing and sales of furniture in to Japan
- Timber drying operation in Gloucester NSW processing 200m3 per month incorporating 6 solar assisted kilns, 4MW sawdust furnace for auxiliary heating.
- Business development consultancy, working with over 60 businesses in feasibility, planning, implementation, rescue and sometimes closure.
- Some Consultancies :
- Project Manager: 2004-2006 for the Australian Arid Zone Timbers project
- Murrin Bridge Aboriginal Land Council: Property Management Plan and Business planning
- Indigenous Business Australia: Preferred Service Provider
- Broombush Industry Strategic Plan: Retained by: Forests NSW, Broombush Industry Group (BIG) and NSW State and Regional Development
- The Australian Museum, Future of Australian Threatened Ecosystems (F.A.T.E) September 2002. Developing Long term supply and markets for Arid Zone Timbers. A pilot project built on strategic business alliances to commence stable and predictable supply of Arid zone timbers for the development of export markets. A business model for implementation.
- Broken Hill Timbers and NSW State and Regional Development, Business and financial Planning for the utilisation of arid zone timbers (2001)
- Business mentoring/coaching: Cafes and restaurants, trades, retail, services, manufacturing, timber milling, brick making, locksmiths, caravan repairs, Aboriginal corporations, tourism
- Olympic Athletes Village (Newington), Head consultant for the provision of ecologically sustainable native timbers.


Growing to

Growing to